Monday, July 11, 2016

7/11/16 Blown Away

Today we rode into the West and into the wind tunnel. 

Surrounded by storms, we slicked on our slickers and high tailed it away from the ominous clouds gathering over Crookston. The weather chased us for hours as we zeroed in on a clearing miles ahead. North Dakota happened and with it came acres of farm land, many devoted to canola, corn and wheat. Into the blue we sailed, spirits high. 

Farm land began to give way to prairie and with the change in scenery came the wind. We lunched at the only rest stop in miles. Even though it was closed, outlaws that we are, we jumped the gate and had our picnic, sheltered from the wind in a man-made hut. 

Back on the road the wind increased. I often write about how I love the wind in my face, but this was a nasty crosswind challenging us and every other vehicle to stay in their lane. Route two heads straight out into the prairie and we ate up as much as we could, as fast as we could.

Oil wells began to pop up the further west we rode. Communities of temporary housing dotted the landscape. Oil is huge in North Dakota and not unlike the gold rush of 150 years ago, workers are drawn here from all over the globe to seek a living.

Battered by the wind and facing into another ugly cloud formation, we dropped anchor in Williston. Sheltered in our motel room, I listened to the howling outside, imagining what this part of the US must be like in the winter, when snow accompanies the wind and  blizzards track across route 2 with the thermometer dropping to 40 degrees below. The fortitude and ruggedness of the people that settled here and then, actually stayed on, is incredible. 

Not every day on the bike is a cake walk. The wind took its toll on us today, and probably will again tomorrow, but we are making progress.  Montana, our favorite state, lies a few miles away and we look forward to its beauty, it's people and the many great rides there. So, like the imperturbable pioneers of the past, we will saddle up no matter what, ride toward the horizon and what lies beyond, looking for a new frontier. Westward Ho!

Dark skies saw us out of Minnesota 

Rugby ND - grain elevators define this city


Our prairie view at lunch

Bright yellow canola lined the road

We must be in western ND

New land formations

Another nasty sky


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