Friday, July 22, 2016

7/22/16 Mush!

Onward, onward we push, motivated by our ultimate goal!

Iffy weather haunted us all day as we rode dry in rain suits. We had some miles to cover, so we only dallied in Watson Lake to buy some groceries, and visit The Signpost Forest. Started by one of the original workers on the highway who was homesick for his hometown in Illinois, there are now over 77,000 signs from all over the planet. One even facetiously listed Mars.

Animal spotting was scarce today. The only wildlife we saw were the ubiquitous crows, standing at intervals along the berm  like mile markers, staking out their territory and waiting for road kill. As their backdrop, brilliant loco weed lined the road. On this gray day, their startling pink was even more exceptional.

Periodically signs for small outposts selling gas, food and sometimes lodging, gave us hope, but more often than not, they were ghost towns. So, it behooved us to gas up every chance we got. The spots that were open were an eclectic mix of gift shops selling magnets and shirts, mom and pop operations with nothing more than gas and a tow shop, or restaurants wafting the smell of fried food. Miles from civilization, these brave pioneers are making a living - at least some are. 

At times today we rode miles without seeing another soul. With the mountains and mist swirling around us, it felt like we were the last two people on earth. I held tight to Jules and savored this time of aloneness, when nothing mattered except us and the road. We enjoyed a solitary picnic by one of the many rivers we ran, surrounded by sweet smelling clover.

After devouring some kilometers today, we climbed stiffly out of the saddle in Whitehorse, the capital of the Yukon. The shocking immersion into a big city stunned us. Like hermits meeting people after years of isolation, we ducked our heads away from the crowds and found solace in our quiet room for the night. Here we rehashed our ride and looked to tomorrow. Rain is in the forecast (again), so going may be slow, but meter by meter we are going forward, urging Rascal on through the forest, the gravel and the elements. Mush, you dragon, mush!

And at 11:00 it isn't even thinking about getting dark!

Watson Lake Sign Post Forest

An outpost in the wilderness

The Continental Divide - It's all downhill from here!

The brilliance of the loco weed ( and the other two in the picture)

Lunch by the river

Lakes and mountains are our guides

Home for the night at the Yukon Inn.


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