Sunday, July 3, 2016

7/3/16 And Away We Go

Route 6, the Grand Army of the Republic Highway and one of the better ways to head west, guided us through most of Pennsylvania today.

After two days of wallowing in family love at Mink Pond, our hunting and fishing club, we shot out the gate like American Pharoah. Anticipation grew as we enjoyed our children, grandchildren and friends. We were also treated to a special visit from our friend George, who drove to the club, just to say goodbye. A truly American day of trap shooting, beer, steamed clams and a pig roast, followed by  a sparkling fireworks display reined in our growing desire to fly. But today, we kissed and hugged what means the most to us, then took wing.

Crossing Pennsylvania, we were bombarded by a virtual product map. Carbondale brought on the coal, then dairy reigned in the Endless Mountains. Finally gas and oil took charge. Through charming towns like  Mansfield, Wellsboro and Coudersport, we rode on a flawless summer day. 

Down for the night in Warren, we watched as thousands of people camped in to watch fireworks, five hours before the event. Even more exciting for this western Pennsylvania town is the parade tomorrow. An ordinance had to be passed stating that chairs on the parade route could only be placed out two days in advance, because the townsfolk were saving their spot weeks ahead. Tonight there is no space left. This slice of America is truly apple pie.

So we have begun. Immersing ourselves into real time America is one of the rewards of our mode of travel. The unscheduled, the chance happening, the random roadside wonder are waiting just around the next curve. Into the wind we will ride, hearts and eyes open, embracing the freedom granted to us hundreds of years ago and exploring all that lies ahead.

This is where it all begins

Mink Pond


We will miss these two

An American day

We must be in dairy country!

The famous Wellsboro Diner

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