Tuesday, July 5, 2016

7/5/16 Another Great Lake Day

We shunned Chicago today in favor of a better ride. Sorry Windy City, but you just have too many cars!

An early morning glance at our usual route west, through Chicago and points beyond, presented a fresh approach. Since we were planning to ride along the northern border of the states, why not cut north through Michigan. The idea gained even more appeal when Jules realized there was a seedling nursery, Alpha, along the dunes of Lake Michigan. So we headed north out of Angola and west toward Holland and the lake.

Holland is a charming city, settled by Dutch immigrants, many of whom have maintained their heritage. Notable for its annual tulip festival, Hope College and the Heinz Pickle Company, the downtown has maintained an immaculate historic ambience. We ate our lunch by Lake Macatawa, a tiny neighbor to its big brother Michigan.

After lunch we visited the nursery. While Jules toured the immaculate fields, I sat under a tree, blogging and enjoying the perfect weather. The sandy soil of this region is similar to that of New Jersey, and has bred many flourishing nurseries. 

Back on Rascal, we headed up along  the lake, as Jules ogled farms with immaculate rows of trees and greenhouses filled with plants. In his desire to get as close to the lake as possible, my stalwart guide rode off the beaten path to find a lovely forested lakeside road which we followed for miles. Cottages dotted the shore and at some points, the dunes that are a huge recreational draw here, were prevalent. Four wheelers with "Got Sand" stickers on bumpers and windows, roared around, looking for a sandy thrill. I was captured by the beauty of this part of Michigan that I had never seen. 

And then we went to "The Shore". Rolling into Ludington, we cruised the town to the end where the lake had deposited a large sandy beach which was filled with vacationers. Hotels and motels dotted the streets and we found a lovely little 3rd generation Mom and Pop, The Vista Villa, which was just our style. After a protracted dinner ( there are only about 8 restaurants to support the huge summer influx of tourists) we went to the beach to watch the sun set on another page in the log of our journey.

As much as we've seen of the US, there are still limitless opportunities for new discoveries. Riding the Eastern Shore of Lake Michigan unfolded to be another gem in our growing coffer of travel treasures. We are becoming rich beyond compare and our wealth multiplies with each day on the road.

Welcome to Holland, MI

We're in Holland - of course there a windmill

Picnic on Lake Macatawa

Lake "Mishi gami"

The largest freshwater dune system in the world - the singing sands

The cliffs

Meet me at the clock tower at 7:30!

Sandy beaches at Ludington, MI

Sunset at 10 PM


  1. I'll never believe there are REAL beaches on lakes! haha!

  2. How beautiful! Love your travels! But sunset at 10pm? Wow!
