Wednesday, August 17, 2016

8/16/16 A Three State Day

A reheat of yesterday, we readied ourselves for a sizzling ride. Sun block, extra water and a good look down the road got us started. 

From Colville, we shot out Route  20 to the Pend Oreille River. Although we have ridden this road several times before, it has always been from east to west. A new direction gave it new meaning. Still cool in the morning air, we pleasured in the twists and climbs.

The Pend Orielle is a major tributary to the Columbia, and this wide and winding River defined our course for the day. Twisty and quiet, we took our early morning dose of Washington with pleasure. Once we found the river, it was only miles before we met Idaho. 

Crossing the pan handle, we followed the river delving into OUR Rockies. Through the Coeur d'Alene Forest we blinked and found ourselves in Montana. Tempted to revisit old haunts like the Yaak River and Libby Dam, the heat kept us focused on our trajectory east. The road rolled with the foothills and valleys as we headed into the wide sky. Long horn sheep welcomed us.

Thompson Falls was our end game. Riding in under a thermometer reading 103 was enough reason to find some artificial air. The pleasure of kicking off your boots after a heated ride is immeasurable and a cool glass of wine helps too.

A three state day is always good, even if you are only nipping a part of one. We met our dear Rockies again, tasted western heat and rolled into cowboy country. But instead of sitting around the campfire, swapping stories and eating beans, tonight we are sleeping by the air conditioner, after rehashing our day and eating sushi. Our faithful ride waits outside to carry us to tomorrow's quest - on a steel horse we ride.

First road of the day

We meet the Pend Oreille

A short ride through the neck

There's always something to learn at a rest stop

Our Rockies

Lake Pend Oreille

A whole herd of sheep


Mama and the babies

And at the end of the day...

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