Wednesday, August 3, 2016

8/3/16 Backseat Betsy

I am a ruined woman! Dear Alleghenies, Ozarks, and Rockies - it's not you, it's me. I have been tempted by the fruit of another, and I'm not sure it will ever be the same between us.

 I actually believed that it was not going to rain again for the rest of our trip. I had my rain suit rolled so tight down in the bottom of my saddle bag that I had to pry it out this morning. So today's ride was one of listening to tunes, ducking behind Jules, looking for moose and musing about everything in the world. This is how I pass my time on a rainy day, while Jules rides tense in low visibility in the front. I've got it pretty good.

I think about the two of us traveling together. Jules studies maps, ponders routes and plots our progress daily. I wait in anticipation to see what surprises he has in store for me. It is odd that I have planned lessons and a household my whole life and now, I don't want to spoil the treat of the unforeseen by knowing about it in advance. Then, when all the marvels of the day have been exhausted, I write about them in past tense. Jules is the explorer, I the historian, both necessary in the log of our days.

I think about how far Jules has brought me, not just in miles. Afraid of heights, I have been brought to the edge of so many cliffs, that now I can look down, see the green valleys and threads of rivers thousands of feet below and rejoice in flying. A toxic worrier, I have let go of "what ifs" and exchanged them for "why nots", the latter bringing me much more joy. And, I go for miles and months with only a few changes of clothes and not styling my hair or putting on makeup. I think I like it.

I also think about my family back home and how very fortunate we are to have such competent daughters that grant us the ability to make these escapes each summer. As they keep our business, our grandchildren and our home place secure, thoughts of them all warm me through the rain and wind and travel always in the back seat with me.

As we rode along today, only the closest mountains were visible, but my imagination painted the rest of the canvas, because now I know what is everywhere in the Northwest. In all our travels, we have seen many mountains and ridden many passes, but nothing compares with the magnitude of what we have constantly witnessed on this trip. Each day I thought that we had experienced the absolute in natural wonder, but then it continued onto the next and the next. Thousands of miles of massive geological creation stole my heart and my soul.

So, you other mountains in the lower 48, I'm so sorry to write this, but I have fallen astray and you have been replaced by another. You were my first love and I will always hold a special affection for you. Do you think we can still be friends?

Our morning view

Rascal in the rain

Fill in the blanks behind the clouds

Just a peek

A gray lake

A motorcycle challenge 

Classy monument 

At the Wolf It Down restaurant

Hello kitty

I can't bear to leave


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