Monday, August 22, 2016

8/22/16 A Very Corny Day

We jumped out of South Dakota today and were blown through Minnesota, as cornfields and wind farms flew by in a blur.  Accented with the perfume of manure, the smell of money to a cattleman, highway 90 was our venue for the day. 

An intense crosswind kept Rascal and Jules on their toes as gusts funneling across open fields yanked at us. Running with tractor trailers and farm boys in pickups, we covered 350 miles today. With no glaciers, bears or switchbacks, I had to be content reliving our trip in my mind as wind tore at my face and clothes. 

As soon as we left Minnesota, the corn turned to trees and the wind died down. Wisconsin's personality at this border crossing takes a total about face. After bridging the Mississippi, we saw oak trees for the first time in weeks and felt at home. Miles into the state we called it a day in Mauston. 

This phase of our road trips is always ironic. We are saddened to be ending our adventure. We wake up and ride into our day unenthusiastically. There is still that certain bond of togetherness that only comes when we are glued together on the bike, witnessing whatever the day will bring, but now the treats are diminishing. The other side of the coin is the joy with which we look forward to seeing our daughters, their husbands and especially our grandchildren. On these long highway days, we endure wind, heat, and unruly drivers knowing that home is in our sights and we are taking direct aim. So my captain, warp speed ahead. Let's punch through to the East!


Corn for miles

Wind farms planted in corn fields

Guess where we are

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