Saturday, August 6, 2016

8/6/16 Spinning Wheels

There are reasons we never have definite plans for our ride. Sometimes we get sidetracked by a long winding road into the unknown. Others we are waylaid by circumstances beyond our control. The latter was the case today.

While packing out of our motel, the electricity died. No problem - there was daylight enough to make sure we left the room empty. Then we stopped for our morning shot of much needed gas. No electricity there or for hundreds of miles in either direction. It was like the zombie apocalypse. We were stuck in Houston and had no means of escape!

We were not alone, though. This three hour wait gave us ample chance to meet some locals and catch up on some native lore. 

The bear story: Passing the time with another stranded customer, we started talking about bears. She lives by a salmon fishery and there are hundreds of them roaming around. Some are grizzlies. We asked if our bear spray would work against them and she answered , "Yeah, if you want to piss them off". Her neighbor has a stuffed grizzly whose head reaches the ceiling of his living room. Why? "Because it damn near killed him. Ate his foot off and broke his ribs." The back story was that he "adopted" 2 black bear cubs after the grizzly killed the mama, feeding them and even letting them in his house. But the grizzly didn't like this, so he hung around and finally caught her neighbor unawares. Fortunately he never left the house without his sidearm, so he was able to kill the bear before it killed him. Another "grizzly" bear tale to make us even more nervous at our picnics.

Then Jules chatted up several guys with battered pickups and well-used classic cars, partially restored by backyard mechanics. I met sisters,driving home from a horseback vacation, who filled me in on driving regulations for teens in Canada. It's amazing the friends that you can make when you have no recourse except conversation - just like the good old days.

By the time BC Hydro found the problem and got it fixed we realized we were not going to get very far this day. So what - the weather was beautiful, the road ahead was smooth and we had another experience to place in our treasure chest of memories. More road construction delayed us further, but we still took time to stop by a lake for our picnic, no longer too confident in our bear spray.

For a while we raced a train loaded with wood chips. Past farmland and lumbered tree lots, we chiseled away at the road.  Finally ominous storm clouds feasted on the heat of the day and it was time for them and us to be released. Prince George was our host for the night and as soon as we shut the door, the storm began to rage.

Loose planners and easy riders we take life's detours with little concern. Unforeseen road blocks kept us anchored for a bit today, but we spent the down time well and even learned a few things. Often the ride's not only about the miles. Memories can be forged without the motion. 

The long wait begins

Check out this truck

Gas station giddiness

A giant salmon rod

Finally, back on the road

Car after car loaded with wood chips 

Grain replaces glaciers

It's blowin' up a whopper

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